var MENU_ITEM_HOME='Home'; var MENU_ITEM_SERVICES='Services'; var MENU_ITEM_TEAM='Team'; var MENU_ITEM_OUR_WORKS='Success Stories'; var MENU_ITEM_WHERE_WE_ARE='Contact Us'; var MENU_ITEM_ABOUT_US='About US'; var MENU_ITEM_CONTACT_US='Contact Us'; var MENU_ITEM_MICROSOFT_DYNAMIC_SOLUTIONS='Microsoft Dynamics Solution'; var MENU_ITEM_JOBS='Job openings'; var FOOTER_FOLLOW_US='Follow Us:'; var LABEL_CONTACTS='Contacts'; var LABEL_SHARE='Share'; var COOKIES_TEXT='This website uses technical and third-party cookies. In order to continue, accept our cookies policy without changing your settings, by accepting the policy you agree to use the cookies to view promotions and services.'; var COOKIES_LAW_MORE='Learn More'; var COOKIES_LAW_DISMISS='Accept'; var DISCOVER='Discover'; var HEADER_PORTFOLIO='Success Stories'; var HEADER_HOME_SERVICES='Services'; var HOME_BOX_TEXT='Socratec Consulting is an international professional services company providing IT consulting and services focused on the SAP and Dynamics AX platforms with business analytics, business applications, cloud, technology and managed services offerings.'; var MICROSOFT_DYNAMIC_SOLUTIONS_HOME_TEXT='?Work smarter than ever before with intelligent tools for the modern workplace. Bringing together the best from Microsoft, Microsoft Dynamics AX enables you to make smarter decisions, redesign business processes faster and fuel business growth.?'; var MICROSOFT_DYNAMIC_SOLUTIONS_TITLE='Focus on customers, not technology'; var MICROSOFT_DYNAMIC_SOLUTIONS_SUBTITLE='Streamline your business operations and deliver amazing customer experiences.'; var WHAT_DO_WE_OFFER_TITLE='Socratec is a provider of innovative ERP business solutions that improve the results of our clients. Socratec specialises in implementing, integrating, optimising and maintaining ERP solutions based on Microsoft Dynamics AX and SAPOur customers are mainly in Chemicals, Distribution, Manufacturing and Services.'; var FORM_TITLE='Contact us for more information'; var FORM_LABEL_NAME='Name'; var FORM_LABEL_SURNAME='Surname'; var FORM_LABEL_EMAIL='E-mail'; var FORM_LABEL_CITY='City'; var FORM_LABEL_NOTE='Note'; var FORM_LABEL_PRIVACY='I read and accept the privacy policy'; var FORM_BUTTON_SEND='Submit'; var GREETINGS_TITLE='Thanks'; var GREETINGS_TEXT='Your request has been successfully submitted.'; var GREETINGS_CLOSE='Close'; var NEED_MORE='Want to know more?'; var NEED_MORE_BUTTON='Contact us';